Il supporto per cartucce L.E. Wilson tiene la cartuccia per il taglio, la fresatura della sede del primer, la fresatura del collo e la sbavatura. Il supporto per cartucce L.E. Wilson offre la massima precisione e uniformità per il taglio delle tue cartucce. Il design unico del supporto per cartucce sostiene il corpo della cartuccia, proprio come una camera di un'arma da fuoco. I supporti per cartucce sono prodotti con precisione per risultati coerenti e ripetibili. I supporti per cartucce FIRED sono per cartucce dimensionate al collo. I nuovi supporti per cartucce funzionano con ottone o cartucce nuove e non sparate o cartucce che sono state dimensionate a lunghezza completa. Se non viene specificato un tipo, il supporto si adatterà a cartucce Fired, New, Neck o Full Length sized.
In magazzino
Tempi di consegna circa 8-15 giorni dal magazzino negli Stati Uniti.
Tempi di consegna circa 8-15 giorni dal magazzino negli Stati Uniti.
The L.E. Wilson Rifle Case Holder holds the case for trimming, primer pocket reaming, neck reaming and deburring. The L.E. Wilson Trimmer Case Holder provides the ultimate accuracy and uniformity for trimming your cases. The unique design of the case holder supports the case body, much like a chamber of a firearm. The Case Holders are precisely manufactured for consistent results and repeatability. The FIRED Case Holders are for Neck Sized Cases. NEW Case Holders work with new, unfired brass or cases that have been full length sized. If a type isn’t specified the holder will fit both Fired, New, Neck or Full Length sized cases.
Il supporto per cartucce L.E. Wilson tiene la cartuccia per il taglio, la fresatura della sede del primer, la fresatura del collo e la sbavatura. Il supporto per cartucce L.E. Wilson offre la massima precisione e uniformità per il taglio delle tue cartucce. Il design unico del supporto per cartucce sostiene il corpo della cartuccia, proprio come una camera di un'arma da fuoco. I supporti per cartucce sono prodotti con precisione per risultati coerenti e ripetibili. I supporti per cartucce FIRED sono per cartucce dimensionate al collo. I nuovi supporti per cartucce funzionano con ottone o cartucce nuove e non sparate o cartucce che sono state dimensionate a lunghezza completa. Se non viene specificato un tipo, il supporto si adatterà a cartucce Fired, New, Neck o Full Length sized.
Top takeaways
Il supporto per cartucce L.E. Wilson garantisce massima precisione e uniformità durante la rifilatura.
Progettato per sostenere il corpo della cartuccia come una camera di un'arma da fuoco.
Compatibile con cartucce a collo dimensionato, ottone nuovo e non sparato, o cartucce dimensionate a lunghezza completa.
Cartuccia:7.62 x 54 mm Russian
Case Type:Fired,New
Peso della spedizione:0.113kg
Altezza di spedizione:28mm
Larghezza di spedizione:30mm
Lunghezza di spedizione:53mm
Dettagli dell'elemento
Made in Usa
Recensioni dei clienti
Valutazioni dei clienti (20)
3.8 / 5
Assolutamente raccomandato
Quality 30.04.2018
Typical Wilson quality product. Works great to produce exact length cases.
Raccomandato con riserve
Limited use with fully sized 308 cases 20.03.2018
Let me say, first, that Wilson products and services are top notch, as is Brownells service. (Wilson trimmers are the most accurate I've ever used. I've trimmed hundreds of rifle cases in various calibers.) This particular case holder works for 243 fully sized (new) and fired brass. It does not work with once fired Lake City or Federal fully sized 308 brass. I used two different Redding presses and standard FL sizing Redding and RCBS dies to check this holder. The sized cases would not extend far enough to be trimmed. I do not have small base dies which reduce the case size to a greater degree to allow more efficient chambering in semi-automatic rifles. I did not use factory new, unfired brass. Based on what I've experienced, I would recommend BOTH case holders to prospective buyers. Rifle chambers vary from Target to Hunting to Military. This is not the fault of the manufacturer or the vendor.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Maybe I do need to be a rocket scientist 08.02.2018
So it's Charles again from previous post. Would like to remove the poor rating I gave product earlier. I have been using the wrong holder I needed new and full length resized holder for my brass, just goes to show that us part time rocket scientist aren't so smart after all. Product is great.
Non raccomandato
Frustrated 28.01.2018
Bought the original one about a year ago, waiting for a rifle to get finished finally got my rifle she's a dream by the way. Now comes the not so good, I load 308, 223, 6.8, and various pistol calipers after my first shooting with new rifle cleaned and resized brass case goes all the way through, does not stop on shoulder as others, so I'm thinking I got a bad one it happens returned to brownells for a new one, same thing happening all over again, this time, it's not rocket scientist stick the case in the gage until it stops on shoulder set your cutter to desired length and trim not that hard. So I'm surprised that I got so lucky to get two too many out of spec maybe case gages
Does Not Work With Hornady Dies 08.07.2017
Recently bought this case holder to use after full-length resizing with Hornady New Dimension Custom Grade K-31-specific 7.5x55 Swiss dies. Case mouths would not exit the holder, making trimming impossible. However, I measured the shoulder on the resized brass and a fresh GP-11 cartridge. The GP 11 measured .448." The "resized" brass measured .472." I think the blame clearly lies with Hornady's dies, not the Wilson trimmer. Nevertheless, I am leaving this review because I want other shoppers to be aware that if they plan to use the Hornady dies, they will need to buy the trimmer holder for FIRED cases, Wilson item CH7555.
Assolutamente raccomandato
GREAT Trimmer 01.05.2017
FINALLY, a case holder that is accurate, easy to use. and very well made. This case holder, combined with the Stainless Ultimate Trimmer, is a perfect match. For those calibers for which Wilson makes a case holder, this combo will be my trimmer of choice.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Wilson fixed my problem 28.04.2014
I wrote a review on 3/29/14 with complaints about the holder not allowing you to trim if you bump up the neck of the case. I have since been able to contact Wilson and they were nice enough to machine the holder at no cost (outside of shipping it to them). The holder will now work with both cases (standard factory and with the neck bumped up to fit my rifle). I am very happy with the customer service I received and the holder now works great.
Non raccomandato
Won't Work for 30-30 with Neck Bumped up 29.03.2014
If you bump the neck up on your 30-30 cartridges to prevent excessive stretching of the brass there isn't enough of the brass extending outside of the holder to trim
Details: Using a Hornady Headspace gauge, I have found my fired brass to "Headspace" at 1.503"
I set my Redding die up to keep my shoulder at 1.501" to prevent excessive stretching of the brass when resizing
I have been trimming my brass to 2.030", but when I changed where my shoulder was, it seems I can no longer use the Wilson Trimmer Case Holder because the end of my brass is still inside the case holder.
Historically, using the generic Redding die settings my shoulder was at 1.485". This seemed to give me enough brass outside of the case holder to trim.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Finest Quality 13.01.2013
I use these trimmer holders in my Sinclair Micrometer Case Trimmer and get superb results. I trim my cases .010 to .015" under SAAMI maximum case length and get amazingly uniform results. The variation is + or - .0005". The jamb fit of the case holds the case in precise alignment. The only downside is the holder grabs the case so snug I have to to tap each trimmed case on a pad to remove it from the holder. Not a big minus when the results I get are so consistent.
Assolutamente raccomandato
Works with my full length and resized 01.11.2012
Works as advertised. If it does not call L.E. they will get you straighted out. It is probably due to a tight chamber or oversized. Case Holders are set up to work with 98% of the chambers that are out there, but if it does not they will get you the correct holder for you.