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050806102606 108001002
A "Third Hand" For Gunsmiths & Hobbyists ... A Wealth of Information Available Nowhere Else
You're going to love this 2nd book in the Gunsmith Kinks® Series! We think it may even be better than Gunsmith Kinks® (which is fantastic!) because it includes so many more Kinks®, so many more "hands-on" cures to shop problems and so many more useful and time-saving jigs, fixtures and drawings. Follows the unprecedented format of Gunsmith Kinks®, bringing together in one book all the Kinks®, shop suggestions, jokes, cartoons and cures to problems that appeared in the Newsletter and all our catalogs, just as they originally appeared during the 14-year span between the first book, Gunsmith Kinks®, and the second book. Plus hundreds of previously unpublished Kinks® that never made the Newsletter due to lack of space. Every one is shop developed - shop proven - written by the men who do the work - and written in the language of the gunsmith. It's amazing just how clever and creative our gunsmithing fraternity really is. Some of the cures are so ingenious you want to bang your head against the wall for not thinking of them yourself! But, with the help of Kinks® II, you have immediate access to solutions that have been figured out in operating gun shops by the gunsmiths doing the work - it's like having your own friendly, confidential adviser sitting right beside you willing to answer any question you might ask - giving workable cures for your problems, because he has already done them himself. Stuff you just won't find anywhere else - like a complete-as-possible interchangeability list of guns from the manufacturers who made "Private Label" guns; a list of modern formulae for all the old chemicals and solutions (like "sweet spirits of nitre" and more); hundreds of quick cures for really impossible repairs; tips on stocking, bluing/plating, drilling, tapping, hunting, reloading; plus loads of info on specific guns, listed and indexed by gun name. A veritable treasure chest to delight and please the gunsmith or hobbyist. 252 detailed photographs and drawings - 504 pages - with 719 separate subject headings. Deluxe, heavy-duty, hardcover, sewn binding. 2400 entry index, cross-indexed with the original Gunsmith Kinks®. Plus, all the jokes the "Newsletter" has become famous for!

Quantity prices available. Please call or write.

42.9 42.9 1 CHF
Référence: 108001002
Ref Fabricant: NONE 050806102606 Tu vas adorer ce deuxième livre de la série Gunsmith Kinks® ! Nous pensons qu'il pourrait même être meilleur que Gunsmith Kinks® (qui est fantastique !) car il comprend tellement plus de Kinks®, tant de solutions pratiques aux problèmes d'atelier et tellement plus d'outils, de dispositifs et de dessins utiles et économes en temps. Il suit le format sans précédent de Gunsmith Kinks®, rassemblant en un seul livre tous les Kinks®, suggestions d'atelier, blagues, dessins animés et solutions aux problèmes qui sont apparus dans le Bulletin d'information et tous nos catalogues, exactement comme ils sont apparus à l'origine durant les 14 années entre le premier livre, Gunsmith Kinks®, et le deuxième livre. De plus, des centaines de Kinks® jamais publiés auparavant qui n'ont pas figuré dans le Bulletin d'information en raison d'un manque d'espace. Chacun est développé en atelier - prouvé en atelier - écrit par les hommes qui font le travail - et rédigé dans le langage du gunsmith. C'est incroyable à quel point notre fraternité de gunsmithing est vraiment astucieuse et créative. Certaines des solutions sont si ingénieuses que tu as envie de te frapper la tête contre le mur de ne pas y avoir pensé toi-même ! Mais, avec l'aide de Kinks® II, tu as un accès immédiat à des solutions qui ont été trouvées dans des ateliers de réparation d'armes par les gunsmiths qui font le travail - c'est comme avoir ton propre conseiller amical et confident assis juste à côté de toi, prêt à répondre à toutes les questions que tu pourrais poser - donnant des solutions pratiques à tes problèmes, car il les a déjà résolus lui-même. Des choses que tu ne trouveras nulle part ailleurs - comme une liste d'interchangeabilité aussi complète que possible des armes des fabricants qui ont fabriqué des armes en "Private Label" ; une liste de formules modernes pour tous les anciens produits chimiques et solutions (comme les "esprits doux de nitre" et plus) ; des centaines de solutions rapides pour des réparations vraiment impossibles ; des conseils sur le stockage, le bronzage/plaquage, le perçage, le taraudage, la chasse, le rechargement ; plus des tonnes d'infos sur des armes spécifiques, répertoriées et indexées par nom d'arme. Un véritable coffre au trésor pour ravir et satisfaire le gunsmith ou le passionné. 252 photographies et dessins détaillés - 504 pages - avec 719 titres de sujets séparés. Reliure deluxe, robuste, à couverture rigide, couture. Index de 2400 entrées, indexé avec les Gunsmith Kinks® originaux. De plus, toutes les blagues pour lesquelles le "Bulletin d'information" est devenu célèbre !
42.9 CHF 829 CHF 42.90 *
Délai de livraison environ 8-15 jours depuis l'entrepôt des États-Unis.
Caractéristiques: Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Amateur Style: Gunsmithing

Points forts

  1. Ce livre offre des centaines de Kinks® inédits, des solutions pratiques et des conseils d'atelier pour les gunsmiths.
  2. Il inclut des informations sur des armes spécifiques, des réparations, le stockage, le bronzage/plaquage et plus encore.
  3. Avec 252 photographies et un index détaillé, c'est un véritable coffre au trésor pour les passionnés d'armurerie.


Firearm: Universal Skill Level: Amateur Style: Gunsmithing Poids du colis: 0.839kg Hauteur d'expédition: 36mm Largeur d'expédition: 150mm Longueur d'expédition: 224mm UPC : 050806102606

Détails de l'article

Fabriqué au USA

Découvre le guide ultime pour gunsmiths ! 📚 Gunsmith Kinks® Volume II regorge de solutions pratiques et d'astuces pour améliorer ton atelier.

A "Third Hand" For Gunsmiths & Hobbyists ... A Wealth of Information Available Nowhere Else
You're going to love this 2nd book in the Gunsmith Kinks® Series! We think it may even be better than Gunsmith Kinks® (which is fantastic!) because it includes so many more Kinks®, so many more "hands-on" cures to shop problems and so many more useful and time-saving jigs, fixtures and drawings. Follows the unprecedented format of Gunsmith Kinks®, bringing together in one book all the Kinks®, shop suggestions, jokes, cartoons and cures to problems that appeared in the Newsletter and all our catalogs, just as they originally appeared during the 14-year span between the first book, Gunsmith Kinks®, and the second book. Plus hundreds of previously unpublished Kinks® that never made the Newsletter due to lack of space. Every one is shop developed - shop proven - written by the men who do the work - and written in the language of the gunsmith. It's amazing just how clever and creative our gunsmithing fraternity really is. Some of the cures are so ingenious you want to bang your head against the wall for not thinking of them yourself! But, with the help of Kinks® II, you have immediate access to solutions that have been figured out in operating gun shops by the gunsmiths doing the work - it's like having your own friendly, confidential adviser sitting right beside you willing to answer any question you might ask - giving workable cures for your problems, because he has already done them himself. Stuff you just won't find anywhere else - like a complete-as-possible interchangeability list of guns from the manufacturers who made "Private Label" guns; a list of modern formulae for all the old chemicals and solutions (like "sweet spirits of nitre" and more); hundreds of quick cures for really impossible repairs; tips on stocking, bluing/plating, drilling, tapping, hunting, reloading; plus loads of info on specific guns, listed and indexed by gun name. A veritable treasure chest to delight and please the gunsmith or hobbyist. 252 detailed photographs and drawings - 504 pages - with 719 separate subject headings. Deluxe, heavy-duty, hardcover, sewn binding. 2400 entry index, cross-indexed with the original Gunsmith Kinks®. Plus, all the jokes the "Newsletter" has become famous for!

Quantity prices available. Please call or write.